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CONTACT DETAILS Tel +32 9 210 80 10



Sidaplax, V.O.F. Eddastraat 40 9042 Ghent Belgium

Sidaplax, V.O.F.

Founded in 1949 by J.D. Tatem, Plastic Suppliers, Inc. is an innovative, international film manufacturer that has produced high quality plastic film for nearly 60 years. This makes Plastic Suppliers one of the top film producers in the world.

Products & Services

EarthFirst PLA: a compostable film from Plastics Suppliers, distributed by Sidaplax, made from NatureWorks PLA, for overwrap, fresh food packaging, carton/env. windows, bread bags, labeling, sleeving, lidding.

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Be_NaturaL N.V.



Be_NaturaL N.V.

Tel: +32 (0)3 685 64 68 Fax +32 (0)3 354 36 16

ADDRESS Wijtschotbaan 9 – box 4 2900 Schotenl Belgium


Be_NaturaL N.V.

Be_naturaL was founded 01/01/2009 and ist goal ist to supply only disposables and (printed barrier) packaging made from natural resources which are certified compostable according to EN 13432. Be_NaturaL is specialized in finding a 100% natural alternative for your conventional packaging.

Products & Services

OK Compost certified disposables and (barrier) packaging

-           disposables: sugar cane, palm leaf, bamboo, paper cups, PLA cups, cutlery

-           flexible food packaging, barrier, printed, perforation,

-           rigid food packaging, barrier


+32 (0) 10 861525 +32 (0) 10 861526


Wetlands Rue du Laid Burniat, 5 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium


Its first activity, Bioprocesses is dedicated to the development and production of measuring and automation systems that can satisfy the needs of private and public players in composting as well as research centres and universities. It has an environmental Biotechnology research centre for the development of installations for the treatment of wastewater and non-toxic industrial products. Its Facility division is responsible for the management of the buildings rented to various companies at the Flemingcenter zone in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium.

Products & Services

Online-Test of biodegradability for plastics: click here

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Tel +32 (0) 65 55 49 02



Materia Nova Avenue M. Copernic, 1 7000 Mons Belgium

Materia Nova

Materia Nova is a Belgian research company with a focus on bioplastics. They are offering various R&D services for companies interested in bioplastics.

Products & Services

R&D services for bioplastics.

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Tel +32 (0) 9 383 72 49 Mobil +32 486 83 59 36



GroenCreatie bvba Binnenweg 4 9772 Wannegem-Lede Belgium

GroenCreatie bvba

GroenCreatie is a Belgian processor of bioplastics. In 2006 the company has been a finalist in the bioplastic awards for the best bioplastic processors.

Products & Services

Ecovas: Ecovas is a biodegradable pot made from bioplastic based on vegetable oil. BioFilm Agro: BioFilm Agro is a biodegradable mulch film made from Mater-Bi. Größere Kartenansicht



Tel +32 (0) 2 732 41 24Fax +32 (0) 2 732 42 18



European Plastic Converters Avenue de Cortenbergh, 71 1000 Brussels Belgium

European Plastic Converters

EuPC is the EU-level Trade Association, based in Brussels, representing European Plastics Converters. Plastics converters (sometimes called "Processors") are the heart of the plastics industry. They manufacture plastics semi-finished and finished products for an extremely wide range of industrial and consumer markets - the automotive electrical and electronic, packaging, construction and healthcare industries, to name but a few.

Products & Services

EuPC's overall objective is to defend and promote the interests of the European plastics converting industry.

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Tel +32 (0) 3 233 63 96Fax +32 (0) 3 232 84 21



Denico Green Products Blancefloerlaan 179 E 2050 Antwerpen Belgium

Denico Green Products

"Denico Green Products" is specialised in the sales of biodegradable products.


Products & Services

Besides products for food applications (cups, trays, plates, bowls,...) our range covers a large variety in non-food applications such as: biodegradable laundry bags, shopping bags, films, flower pots.

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Das Branchenportal ist ein Projekt des Franz-Patat-Zentrum. Bereits seit 2005 informiert das umfangreiche Portal über die Vorteile und Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von Biokunststoffen und bietet der Branche eine Quelle für kompetentes technisches Know-How sowie eine professionelle Plattform zur Präsentation ihrer Unternehmen, Produkte und Dienstleistungen.

Neben Hintergrundinformationen und aktuellen Nachrichten legt vor allem einen Schwerpunkt auf Kompetenz im Bereich der technischen Eigenschaften von Biokunststoffen. Als technische Experten mit einer Erfahrung von mehr als 25 Jahren im Bereich der Biokunststoffe möchten wir Ihnen auf diesem Portal auch einen Überblick über das von uns angebotenen Beratungsportfolio geben und Sie über unsere Forschungs- und Entwicklungsleistungen informieren.
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