CONTACT DETAILS Tel +48 (0) 22 8420771 Fax +48 (0) 22 8422303
ADRESS COBRO Konstancinska 11 02-942 Warszawa Poland Polish Packaging Research And Development Centre COBRO was established in 1973 through transformation of the Polish Packaging Centre, operating since 1958. It is a self-supporting institution commissioned mainly by manufacturers and users of packaging and packaging materials. It provides high-tech test laboratories as well as the equipment used for pilot production of packaging and packaging materials. COBRO employs a number of highly experienced specialists with international expertise. COBRO co-operates with many foreign research units and international organisations. It is a member of the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes (IAPRI) and the World Packaging Organisation (WPO). On the local scale, COBRO is a member of Polish Chamber of Packaging (PIO). Products & Services COBRO scope of activity are: Research and development – statutory activities and contract work Expertise works for manufacturers and users of packaging and packaging materials as well as other companies Packaging design in line with the environmental requirements Obligatory and voluntary certification Standardisation Collection and providing access to technical, technological, economic and marketing data Consulting Größere Kartenansicht
CONTACT DETAILS Tel +47 (0) 970 50 532
ADRESS Norner Innovation A/S Asdalstrand 291 3960 Stathelle Norway Norner Innovation A/S Norner Innovation - an international and industrial technology centre for plastic and material industries. NORNER is a fully independent Innovation and Technology partner. We continue a success story that started 30 years ago as a world leading plastics R&D centre. Products & Services Norner is an international Technology and Innovation Centre active in industries ranging from advanced catalytic gas process simulations to end products. We are also specialised in the developement of bioplastics. Größere Kartenansicht
CONTACT DETAILS Tel +31 (0) 10 202 59 29 Mobile +31 (0) 6 45296638
ADRESS Teuwen Sustainable Business Moerbeihof 3 2661 LV Bergschenhoek Netherlands Teuwen Sustainable Business B.V. TSB is constantly on the look out for durable solutions for company and products. Products & Services Consulting View Larger Map
CONTACT DETAILS Tel +31 (0) 24 377 33 25Fax +31 (0) 84 729 13 12
ADRESS R&D extern Van Der Stappen Hermelijnstraat 24 6531 JX Nijmegen Netherlands R&D extern Van Der Stappen R&D extern Van Der Stappen is an independent and flexible consultant, especially for producers of smaller quantities. Their focus lies on the consulting services for developing new materials and processing of new material combination. Products & Services Consulting services Größere Kartenansicht
CONTACT DETAILS Tel +1 (0) 617 583 1700 Fax +1 (0) 617 583 1768
ADRESS Metabolix, Inc.19 Presidential Way MA 01801 Woburn U.S.A. Metabolix, Inc. Founded in 1992, Metabolix, Inc. is an innovation driven bioscience company focused on providing sustainable solutions for the world's needs for plastics, chemicals and energy. The Company is taking a systems approach, from gene to end product, integrating sophisticated biotechnology with advanced industrial practice. Metabolix is now developing and commercializing Mirel™ bioplastics, a sustainable and biodegradable alternative to petroleum based plastics. Mirel is suitable for injection molding, cast and blown film, sheet, extrusion coating, and thermoforming. Metabolix is also developing a proprietary platform technology for co-producing plastics, chemicals and energy from crops such as switchgrass, oilseeds and sugarcane. Products & Services R&D Services View Larger Map
CONTACT DETAILS BIO-ON srl Marco Astorri +39 51 893001 ADRESS Via Dante 7/b San Giorgio di Piano Bologna 40016 Italy
BIO-ON srl Bio-on was founded in 2007 to work in the field of modern biotechnologies applied to widely used materials in order to create completely natural products and solutions, obtained 100% from renewable sources or agricultural processing waste materials. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (truly biological plastic) for the full range of strategic applications (general packaging, food packaging, design, clothing, automotive). Bio-on directly targets the agriculture and food sector (production and distribution), providing all players with the technology required to produce or use PHAs through the development of the relative characterisations. Intellectual Property Company. From the design office to the pool of engineering firms and labs engaged on an ongoing basis in the design, production and distribution of Bio-on know-how. The production of PHAs is restricted, area by area, through technology usage license contracts or industrial partnerships dedicated to specific commercial areas. Scale up industrial processes by defining production modules. We create complete Engineering from the laboratory to the production plant on an industrial scale, with production modules from 5 to 10 thousand tons per year. We offer production technology licensing with design and implementation by qualified industry partners. Products & Services MINERV-PHA is a high-performance PHA biopolymer. MINERV-PHA is endowed with optimal thermal properties. Production needs which range from -10°C to a +180°C can be met through characterization. This product is particularly suitable for injection and extrusion methods for the production of objects. It takes the place of highly pollutant materials such as PET, PP, PE, HDPE and LDPE. Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA), a linear polyester naturally occurring as a result of bacterial fermentation of sugar waste. This family can bring together more than 100 differing monomers to produce materials whose properties vary very greatly. Thermoplastic or elastomeric materials can be created with melting points ranging from 40 to more than 180°C. Größere KartenansichtKontaktdaten +49 (0) 5975 93 100-1 +49 (0) 5975 93 100-29 ADRESSE NATURABIOMAT GmbH Landersumer Weg 40 48431 RheineGermany
NATURABIOMAT Seit der Unternehmensgründung im Jahr 1996 beschäftigt sich die NATURABIOMAT GmbH mit der Entwicklung und Bereitstellung von Produkten aus nachwachsenden Rohstoffen als ökologischer Ersatz für erdölbasierte Kunststoffe. NATURABIOMAT® entwickelt kundenspezifische Bioabfalllösungen für Kommunen, Abfallverbände und Unternehmen. Wir beraten Sie gerne und erstellen Ihnen Ihr individuelles Angebot. Als kompetenter Anbieter von Gesamtlösungen in den Bereichen Verpackung und Abfallentsorgung nehmen wir unsere Verantwortung als richtungsweisender Branchenplayer sehr ernst. Dass unsere Bemühungen uns Recht geben, beweisen die zahlreichen Zertifizierungen, die unser Unternehmen mit Weitblick auszeichnen. PRODUKTE & DIENSTLEISTUNGEN Gesamtlösungen in den Bereichen Verpackung und Abfallentsorgung
CONTACT DETAILS Be_NaturaL N.V. Tel: +32 (0)3 685 64 68 Fax +32 (0)3 354 36 16 ADDRESS Wijtschotbaan 9 – box 4 2900 Schotenl Belgium
Be_NaturaL N.V. Be_naturaL was founded 01/01/2009 and ist goal ist to supply only disposables and (printed barrier) packaging made from natural resources which are certified compostable according to EN 13432. Be_NaturaL is specialized in finding a 100% natural alternative for your conventional packaging. Products & Services OK Compost certified disposables and (barrier) packaging - disposables: sugar cane, palm leaf, bamboo, paper cups, PLA cups, cutlery - flexible food packaging, barrier, printed, perforation, - rigid food packaging, barrier
CONTACT DETAILS swissGEL AG Dr. Adrian J. Krahn +41 44 731 93 11 +41 44 731 93 12 ADDRESS Wagistrasse 4 8952 Schlieren Switzerland
swissGEL AG SwissGEL is situated in Schlieren Switzerland and was founded to implement InnoGEL's novel key technology on GELs in biodegradable plastic products and in plastic additives. SwissGEL develops and commercializes these innovative products to become the market leader in the area of new gels. SwissGEL shall be positioned as a prime quality sustainable plastic solution brand and seeks licensing/franchising deals or acquisitions that are synergetic to biodegradable plastic business or that provide an infrastructure platform for further growth. Products & Services AVALESCO® is a biodegradable and compostable material to produce transparent films and sheets for packaging applications. ACCELOTHENE® is the newly available top additive for injection molding, extrusion and blow molding of polyolefines to shorten the cool down time and so to save energy, reduce cost, time and resources spent. Größere Kartenansicht
CONTACT DETAILS Tel +972 (0) 3 613 0111 Fax +972 (0) 3 613 0119
ADRESS Israel Plastics and Rubber Center Shenkar College, Mitchel Building 12 Anna Frank Street 52526 Ramat Gan Israel Israel Plastics and Rubber Center IPRC's Mission is: To advance and promote the technological infrastructure and professional education in the plastics and rubber industries. Products & Services The activities of IPRC are focused at: Applied and basic research; Process, materials and product development; Testing and characterization of materials, processes and products; Promotion of quality engineering; Advancement of professional training for operators, technicians and engineers; Gathering and distribution of technical, commercial and marketing information; Promotion of international cooperation with overseas plastics and rubber industries and R&D centers. View Larger Map
CONTACT DETAILS Tel +972 (0) 3 967 8234 Fax +972 (0) 3 967 8821
ADRESS Modiplast P.O.B. 482 75104 Rishon-le Zion Israel Modiplast Modiplast is specialised in the packaging industry. They are representing various companies, which are manufacturing the products. Products & Services Modiplast provides the right packaging product depending on the desired application, especially for the food industry. View Larger Map
Ansprechpartner Anke Zeidler-Finsel +49 (0) 6151 705-0 +49 (0) 6151 705-8601
ADRESSE Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBFBereich KunststoffeSchlossgartenstraße 664289 DarmstadtDeutschland
Fraunhofer-Institut für Betriebsfestigkeit und Systemzuverlässigkeit LBF Bereich Kunststoffe Das Institut ist eine Gründung der Forschungsgesellschaft Kunststoffe e.V. Ehemals DKI (Deutsches Kunststoff-Institut) Aufgaben: interdisziplinäre Forschung zu anwendungsrelevanten Fragestellungen aus dem Kunststoffbereich Beratung von Unternehmen und Institutionen Forschungsdienstleistung Ausbildung wissenschaftlichen NachwuchsesPRODUKTE & DIENSTLEISTUNGEN Übergeordnete Dienstleistungsangebote des DKI: Beratung Schadensanalytik, Gutachten Entwicklungsprojekte Synthese (Herstellung) Analyse der Chemischen Zusammensetzung Compoundieren, Spritzgießen, In- und Online-Prozesskontrolle, Verschleiß (Aufbereitung & Verarbeitung)
Kontaktdaten Tel +49 (0) 38 43 69 30 - 0Fax +49 (0) 38 43 69 30 - 102
ADRESSE Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe Hofplatz 1 18276 Gülzow-Prüzen Deutschland Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe Als Projektträger des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV) unterstützt die FNR Forschung, Entwicklung, Demonstration, Markteinführung und Fachinformation/ Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zu nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. PRODUKTE & DIENSTLEISTUNGEN Die Projektträgerschaft ist die vorrangige Aufgabe der FNR. Sie unterstützt die Forschung und Entwicklung von Produktlinien von der Erzeugung bis zur Verwendung einschließlich der Entsorgung von nachwachsenden Rohstoffen. Für die Förderung von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhaben ist das Förderprogramm "Nachwachsende Rohstoffe" maßgeblich. Das BMELV stellt 2011 53 Millionen Euro für dieses Programm zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus engagiert sich die Fachagentur in mehreren EU-Projekten und als stellvertretender Vertragspartner des BMELV in der Internationalen Energieagentur (IEA).
Ansprechpartner Herr Erwin Härtwich Tel +49 (0) 7183 30 04 - 0 Fax +49 (0) 7183 30 04 - 240 ADRESSE Freitec Kunststoffe GmbHDaimlerstrasse 11 73635 Rudersberg Deutschland Freitec Kunststoffe GmbH Die Freitec Kunststoffe GmbH erarbeitet individuelle Lösungen auf Basis von Biokunststoff für Ihre Kunden. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf der Entwicklung klimaneutraler Verpackungen. PRODUKTE & DIENSTLEISTUNGEN Klimaneutrale Verpackungen Individuelle Lösungen für den Biokunststoffbereich Größere Kartenansicht
Kontaktdaten Tel +49 (0) 30 7562-1131 Fax +49 (0) 30 7562-1141
ADRESSE University of Kassel Alboinstr. 56 12103 Berlin Deutschland DinCERTCO DIN CERTCO ist Ihr Partner für alle Aspekte der Konformitätsbewertung. Wir zertifizieren und registrieren ein breites Spektrum von Produkten, Dienstleistungen, Fachbetrieben und Personen. PRODUKTE & DIENSTLEISTUNGEN DIN CERTCO ist die Zertifizierungsgesellschaft der TÜV Rheinland Gruppe und des DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e.V. und genießt aufgrund ihrer Unabhängigkeit, Neutralität, Kompetenz und langjährigen Erfahrung im In- und Ausland hohes Ansehen. Normen sind unerlässlicher Bestandteil der Sicherheitstechnik, des Gesundheits-, Umwelt- und Verbraucherschutzes. Sie haben gesamtwirtschaftliche Bedeutung und bilden die Basis für den freien Warenverkehr. Normungsorganisationen unterhalten ein umfassendes Regelwerk, das für die Herstellung, Prüfung und Bewertung von Produkten unverzichtbar ist. Das DIN fördert die Anwendung der Normen durch seine Aktivitäten im Bereich der Konformitätsbewertung.
CONTACT DETAILS Tel +32 (0) 65 55 49 02
ADRESS Materia Nova Avenue M. Copernic, 1 7000 Mons Belgium Materia Nova Materia Nova is a Belgian research company with a focus on bioplastics. They are offering various R&D services for companies interested in bioplastics. Products & Services R&D services for bioplastics. Größere Kartenansicht
ADRESS Nordbiochem LLC Kuuse 2 63303 Polva Estonia Nordbiochem LLC NordBioChem's mission is to develop and commercialize manufacturing technologies for base chemicals and materials that come from renewable source and are priced competitively to petro-based alternatives. Products & Services Our technological platform starts with lactate fermentation, followed by chemical derivatisations. Main focus is on acrylates, propylene glycol and PLA. Größere Kartenansicht
CONTACT DETAILS +45 (0) 23 47 49 40 +45 (0) 32 16 14 07
ADRESS Plastic Tailor Stenlund 46 DK-5600 Faaborg Denmark Plastic Tailor We are specialized in product development, troubleshooting, optimization, and analysis of thermoplastic polymer materials. We also offer customer specified compounding of thermoplatic polymers. We have a comprehensive knowledge in plastic materials with additional focus on biodegradable plastic materials. We are also independent of material suppliers and can therefore offer a complete and impartial counselling. Products & Services Plastic Tailor is the competent partner in the development of thermoplastic materials. We take the job all the way from designing ideas to finishing a product, managing the process and developing it competently and efficiently. We co-ordinate and work hand-in-hand with the customer and our external partners, taking care of all aspects concerning product development. This includes drawing, drafting of patents, rapid prototyping, material compounding, tool designing, testing and quality control of the final product. Größere Kartenansicht
CONTACT DETAILS +32 (0) 10 861525 +32 (0) 10 861526 ADRESS Wetlands Rue du Laid Burniat, 5 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve Belgium Wetlands Its first activity, Bioprocesses is dedicated to the development and production of measuring and automation systems that can satisfy the needs of private and public players in composting as well as research centres and universities. It has an environmental Biotechnology research centre for the development of installations for the treatment of wastewater and non-toxic industrial products. Its Facility division is responsible for the management of the buildings rented to various companies at the Flemingcenter zone in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. Products & Services Online-Test of biodegradability for plastics: click here Größere Kartenansicht
Ansprechpartner Albrecht Dinkelaker +49 (0)69 76 89 39 10 +49 (0)176 55 28 46 04 ADRESSE Albrecht DinkelakerPolymer- und Produktentwicklung Talstraße 83 60437 Frankfurt am MainDeutschland ALBRECHT DINKELAKER POLYMER- UND PRODUKTENTWICKLUNG Polyflea entwickelt im Auftrag der Kunststoffindustrie neue Granulate. Durch eine schnelle und flexible Laborentwicklung wird die Machbarkeit von Ideen und deren Realisierung in der Technik geprüft und getestet. Zudem vertreibt Polyflea die Eigenentwicklung Caprowax, ein biologisch abbaubares Polymer für die Agrarindustrie. PRODUKTE & DIENSTLEISTUNGEN Polymerentwicklung Kunststoffentwicklungstechnik im LabormaßstabGrößere Kartenansicht |
- Additives
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- Polyhydroxyalkanoates
- Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB)
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- Wood & other natural materials
- compostable
- compostable & renewable
- other polycondensates