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In this section you will find manufacturers of bioplastic products. Limit the company search by using the drop-down menus on the right side, use the free text search, or click on one of the tags below to conduct a search on our site. If you are only interested in a certain type of products, you can directly click on it, to show its manufacturers.

We wish you every success in your search. We will be happy to assist you in researching, let our expertise and our network work for you.

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The industry portal biokunststoffe.de is a project by Franz-Patat-Zentrum. This comprehensive portal provides information about the benefits and possibilities of the use of bioplastics industry since 2005, providing a source of skilled technical know-how as well as a professional platform that serves as showcase for companies, their products and services.

In addition to background information and current news, biokunststoffe.de has focused mainly on the field of technical properties of bioplastics. As technical experts with over 25 years of experience in the field of bioplastics, we also wish to provide you on this portal with an overview of the consulting portfolio offered by us and inform you about our research and development services.
 113 FPZ