JC Hagen GmbH
Phone: +43 1 713 3335
Fax: +43 1 713 3530
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Salmgasse 14-16
A-1030 Wien
JC Hagen GmbH
JC Hagen GmbH is an established plastic polymer trading organisation. Founded in 1999 the main focus has been on PET resin, PET flakes and regind. Lately biodegradable polymers derived from corn starch were added to JC Hagen's portfolio. Key markets are disposable packaging, catering, food containers, cups for hot and cold drinks and cutlery.
Products & Services
JC Hagen GmbH offers biodegradable starch-based compounds under the trade name of bio-plast. Grades are available for sheet extrusion and thermoforming as well as for injection moulding. The level of renewable resources is well above 80%. Bio-plast coumpounds are easy to process on exisiting machinery and have excellent thermal and mechanical charcteristics. The grades are certified biodegradable by VINCOTTE as OK-compost.
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