Prof. Widdecke Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Widdecke

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hartmut Widdecke Prof. Widdecke has been a professor at the Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences since October 1, 1993 - and a lecturer at TU Clausthal and TU Braunschweig. He was Director of the Institute for Recycling from 1993 to 2003 and Head of the Fraunhofer project group "Sustainable Mobility" from 2003 to 2007 in Wolfsburg. Since 2004 he is Head of Werkstoff Innovation Niedersachsen (WIN, Materials Innovation Lower Saxony) Research Network and Managing Director of the Franz Patat-Zentrums e.V. for interdisciplinary polymer research, as well as of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Kunststoffnetzwerke (Plastics Networks Association).

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In his role as head of the workgroup "Materials Science" at the Society for Biotechnological Research in Braunschweig from 1988-1991, Prof. Widdecke contributed significantly to the emergence of the DIN standard "Plastics - Evaluation of Compostability". Following this, Prof. Widdecke held the C4-professorship "Technical Chemistry" until 1993.

Prof. Widdecke finished his doctorate on catalyst development in 1978. From 1978-1981 he worked as a research assistant until he accepted a DAAD scholarship at the University of Massachusetts (USA) in 1981. In the period from 1982 to 1987 he chaired the workgroup "Reactive Polymers" at TU Braunschweig. This was followed by a DFG research stay at the Korean Advanced Institute of Science Technology (KAIST) in Seoul and at the Institute of Polymer Technology of the University of Tianjin (China).

Selected Publications and Conference contributions


Albert Otten Dr. rer. nat. Albert Otten

Dr. Otten has worked as a scientific researcher and teacher for special duties at the Ostfalia University for Applied Sciences of the former Technical University Braunschweig/Wolfenbüttel in Wolfsburg since 1998. Since 2010 he is also a board member of the Institute for Recycling at Ostfalia University.

His work and research interests are in the field of bioplastics, adhesive bonding, lightweight materials (e.g. NFC natural fibre composites; natural fibre foam composites), which emphasizes the excerpt from his published research.

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Dr. Otten received his doctorate in 1992 with Prof. Dr. Friedrich Boberg at the Institute of Organic Chemistry TU Clausthal on "Reactions of sodium- N- sulfonamide benzoyl chloride with thioxoheterocycles and enaminthiones" and was a researcher at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, TU Clausthal until 1995. His designation as referent for Environmental Protection followed in 1996 and in 1997 his activities as an auditor for eco-audit at the AURO Chemie GmbH company, Braunschweig.

Selected Publications and Conference contributions


Daniela Elpel Daniela Elpel

Daniela Elpel is a trained laboratory technician and employed since 1998 by the Ostfalia - University of Applied Sciences at the Institute for Recycling. She works there as a technical assistant in various research projects. Since 2000, Ms. Elpel supports the processing and testing of bioplastics on the university's own machinery and testing equipment.


The industry portal biokunststoffe.de is a project by Franz-Patat-Zentrum. This comprehensive portal provides information about the benefits and possibilities of the use of bioplastics industry since 2005, providing a source of skilled technical know-how as well as a professional platform that serves as showcase for companies, their products and services.

In addition to background information and current news, biokunststoffe.de has focused mainly on the field of technical properties of bioplastics. As technical experts with over 25 years of experience in the field of bioplastics, we also wish to provide you on this portal with an overview of the consulting portfolio offered by us and inform you about our research and development services.
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